Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank Goodness!

It's almost Thanksgiving. Well, kind of. I used to love Thanksgiving above almost all holidays. It's just not the same anymore.

As a kid, I'd wake up to smells of turkey and stuffing and watch the Macy's parade in my living room while my sister and I made place cards for the three grandparents who would attend - because with three extra people at the table, how would anyone know where to sit? My sister would also wear a cardboard pilgrim hat she made in kindergarten - when she ceased with the hat, she was likely a teenager. (I don't think that's a totally happy memory for her, but it is to me!! I know my mom still has that hat, so watch out sis!)

Now, Thanksgiving means travel. It is still awesome, don't get me wrong. We have new traditions - good ones, like the annual Black Friday shopping trip, which is highly anticipated each year. I still wish I could wake up at home and watch the parade, but seeing the family is certainly worth the extra steps taken to do so.

I think the real reason I loved Thanksgiving, though, was that moment when we went around the table and explained for what we were thankful. I'd think and plan my little speech to make sure I did not leave anything out.

Now, I realize I don't really need Thanksgiving day to be grateful for the good stuff in my life. All days, I find at least one thing for which to be thankful - and I can always find way more than just one! So, I don't get to watch the parade anymore (I miss the Rockettes most of all...)

But I do get to be thankful. Each and every day.

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Steph's days are complete with little Franco/Mr. Buddy Pants, Pittsburgh Steelers football, Penguins hockey, all things WVU, cold beverages, new handbags, shoe-shopping, pups, and lots and lots of movies. And, of course, her glorious, nutty family.