I'm not typically prone to panicky behavior due to catastrophic e-mail forwards prophesizing doom and gloom. I don't usually listen to rumors and change my behavior accordingly. With all my neurotic semi-insanity, this kind of stuff simply doesn't phase me.
Over the weekend, uncharacteristically, I fell victim to one such warning about a gas shortage and ran out at 8:00 in the evening to scour the land for petrol. Turns out, this would not be an easy task and I barely succeeded at all. A few hours later, I realized my action, coupled by similar reactions all about the area, caused the shortage in the first place and now the region is gas-less.
How easy it seemed to just heed the words of apparent wisdom. I don't fault the messengers - I chose to give in to the mob mentality, and afterward felt half guilty and half relieved, my gas tank filled as my car sat idle all weekend. Did I take the gas someone needed to get to work Saturday morning? Was someone left stranded and worried on their way somewhere because I was compelled to rush out and horde "my share?"
It's this kind of thought I attempt to avoid - the "me first" way of our society. I've heard another sort of "rumor" that certain foreigners have a somewhat evolved "we first" outlook, and I've witnessed this around me too. Just not this weekend.
I can't exactly take back my rush to the pumps. I will, however, be more careful the next time to analyze whether my actions are in defense of my personal safety and welfare, or a form of greed. In this case, it's safe to split the difference and say it's a bit of both.
That makes me feel considerably better. It doesn't neccessaily make it okay.
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