Today, on a day of dreams, I relish the abundant riches of this week. The Pittsburgh Steelers are headed to Super Bowl XLIII and Barack Obama is inaugurated the forty-fourth President of the United States of America. Life is good.
Most of the best days in my life, the most proud moments, the memories of which I think most fondly are things that happened around me, not directly to me. I don't complain about this, as I feel quite fortunate to have the happiness I do. Like millions of others today, I feel connected to this glimpse in history and I recognize the importance and grandeur around me.
And in my own little world, I am ready to turn over a new leaf. Because on this day of change, when America looks toward hope, I, too, will set my sights on something new. I don't know yet how I might accomplish this, and I'm not entirely sure what direction my path might take. But I am inspired by this breathless idea that one can turn into the light and come out stronger, braver, better able to focus.
These next two weeks, I will immerse myself in sports shows and Steelers highlights in preparation for the "Bowl that is Super." In the future, I will immerse myself in the hopes of an entire world, and I will be better.
Yes I will.
Yes we can, yes we did, and yes we will. We've come to a point that I have always hoped I would see in my lifetime, and I feel so inspired by it. No matter what happens from here on out, we made the right decision in putting Obama in the White House. This country hasn't seen such hope in so long.
Today is a great day: it's snowing, I think I've almost talked Chris into letting our outside cat come in with the others and Obama is in the White House. My head is spinning and my heart is soaring. (And I'll root for the Steelers for ya' too.) :-)
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