Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wants and Needs

This time of year, one might be tempted to give in to the urges from advertisers that you "NEED" this or that or some other thing. One may find oneself bombarded with catalogues from Sears and Lands End and Bass Pro Shops every time the mailbox is opened. To combat this I shop consistently all year long, so that this time of year is no harder or easier than, say, the middle of March.

But I kid - kind of. It is easy to get caught up in looking around to marvel at all the stuff out there from which to choose. Sometimes, in the grocery store, I get a slight panic attack when I realize just how much food is in there. I remember the stories of foreigners from, say, the old Soviet Union who visited American supermarkets to nearly faint at the sheer amount of fresh food available at all times with no rations or shortages. These tales play through my head as I push my cart around and around and past all the aisles of wares I've never even looked at, let alone eaten. (An aside: I hate the grocery store. This is only one of many reasons why.)

As if this wasn't enough, Christmas piles on the pressure, even though it is often subtle. I'm fairly adept at ignoring most ploys, but sometimes I find myself pulled into a pile of overpriced sweatshirts and actually consider whether to purchase one. Then, I may see a pretty charm bracelet placed ever so conveniently next to this display and think, "Hmm. That would match so nicely." Before you can blink, I've racked up a potential price tag of over one hundred dollars.

Is it the soft Christmas music playing and the warm, homey smells of the small store? Why do I suddenly feel that I simply can not leave without these trinkets? I don't know how to answer this, but I quickly come to my senses and realize these are not necessities - especially at over one hundred dollars. Good golly!

Yes, that red sweatshirt and silver bracelet might be things I want - especially at that moment. But when I return home to find two excited pups and one smiling husband waiting for me, I understand precisely how much those things do not matter.

I do have all the things I need right here. All year 'round.


Susan M. Bell said...

Amen sister. Too many excited cats and a smiling husband here...LIFE IS GOOD.

Wesley Middleton said...

Stephanie - right on! I completely and wholly support your conscious resistance to the pressures of the "Season of Stuff". And I have the same feeling about the grocery store. I try to get my groceries at smaller stores / farmers' markets etc., but it's hard to get everything (at an affordable price) at those places! Anyway. Keep fighting the good fight and valuing what you have - that's true Thanksgiving, right? Yay.

About Me

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Steph's days are complete with little Franco/Mr. Buddy Pants, Pittsburgh Steelers football, Penguins hockey, all things WVU, cold beverages, new handbags, shoe-shopping, pups, and lots and lots of movies. And, of course, her glorious, nutty family.