Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Hear It For the Girls!

It is no secret that I am a movie junkie/cinemaphile/film geek. Most of my day is spent thinking about movies or reading about movies, not to mention watching movies - whether they be new or familiar. This is my passion in life and has been for as long as I can remember - my first movie experience at age four was watching "Pete's Dragon" at the Liberty theater in western Pennsylvania and I have been hooked ever since.

So, not surprisingly, I am thrilled beyond imagination that one of my favorite television shows is soon to grace the silver screen. Of course I speak of "Sex and the City: The Movie." The wait is almost over and I am ready: I have a new Carrie Bradshaw-inspired dress, stiletto heels, and a designer handbag poised and ready in my closet for just that occasion. My husband is also thrilled, as you can imagine, but he likes the dress and paid for the bag so he has agreed to accompany me.

But this film is more than just shoes and purses to me - though I sure am giddy about accessories. It allows me to swell with emotion about my own girlfriends. I am not as lucky as Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda because my friends are spread out around the country. But they are no less important to me. When I revel in the SATC world it reminds me of how lucky I am as a woman to have my own circle of girlfriends to lean on, cry to, drink with, and love.

And I really love them - I love them for the times we have shared when we were young and stupid and knew so much and so little all at once. I love them for the lessons we have taught each other about boys and fashion and family. Even better, I love them for our relationship today. Now, in my thirties, I value my friends more than ever before.

We understand the extreme highs and lows life can bring. We have suffered real heartaches by now, making the adolescent tears of the early twenties look tragically ridiculous. We have been through struggles and come out on the other side wearier but certainly wiser. We are closer now because we know more about ourselves and that is such a beautiful testament to growing into womanhood in the true sense of the word. Men have their buds, but they can never truly get what it means in your heart to be with your "girls" and how important it is for the soul.

Carrie Bradshaw once said that men were like a drug - they can bring you down, but sometimes they can lift you so high. That is so true. But that is also why my girlfriends are so important. They never bring me down. But they do lift me up so very, very high.

1 comment:

Britt Kaufmann said...


What did you think of the movie?


About Me

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Steph's days are complete with little Franco/Mr. Buddy Pants, Pittsburgh Steelers football, Penguins hockey, all things WVU, cold beverages, new handbags, shoe-shopping, pups, and lots and lots of movies. And, of course, her glorious, nutty family.